My thoughts on mindfulness and wellness practices in the office

While it’s true that wellness practices in the office, such as meditation, can improve work satisfaction and productivity, that is not my primary goal when entering these spaces.

As someone who has been embedded in the corporate/office world well over a decade, I understand the pressures and demands that are intrinsic to these fast-paced environments. I am no stranger to the stressors of unmanageable workloads, tight deadlines, silos, relational issues, and more.

My purpose when bringing sound meditation into the office, however, is to connect to the HUMAN. Beyond the titles, accolades, and biz wins, there is a human wanting to be seen and heard. A human that feels the broad spectrum of emotions and who is not above feeling.

It is only when we can be fully present to what is, through loving awareness, that we can truly take meaningful action to work towards what can be.

Whether it’s through tuning into the power of the breath, the sensations of the body, or learning to make peace with the ever-flowing stream of thought that escapes no one, understanding and supporting the health and well-being of the thinking, feeling, breathing human in and out of the office is what I strive to do.


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